Secret Society of Early Risers

There seems to be a club of people who will NOT let me in…no matter how hard I try.  I’ve done everything!  They just refuse to accept me and it’s starting to really annoy the heck out of me.  I never even thought I would want to be in this elite club until a few months ago.  Now I can’t stop thinking about how to make my grand entrance. 

-The Club of Early Risers-

What does a girl have to do to hang out with you people?  I’ve tried it all – going to sleep before 10, caffeine in the morning, energy work out pills (now THAT was a total disaster and I stay from away those evil things), putting my alarm clock on the other side of the room, magic smoothies, asking God to wake me up Himself, planning coffee or breakfast with friends so that I have accountability to wake up early (yea, I will cancel every time and fake some excuse why I just can’t make it.) 

So…what do I do to actually wake up early?  Maybe I’d like a few extra hours in my day too.  Would it be so wrong for me to gain an hour or two to read, work out, craft a pretty project, journal about life, learn portugese?  Well?! Would it?  You may even like me in your little club once I’ve been in it for a while.  But no, I’m still the same girl who can’t function properly before double digits.  On week days, the clock strikes 10 AM and I’m finally alert.  Weekends?  Don’t even call me before 11 because chances are I’ll just be waking up.  I love sleep.  LOVE sleep.  It’s beautiful and tasty and delicious and makes me smile.  ZZZzzzzzzz – the most lovely letters in the alphabet.  Let me play until 2 in the morning and sleep until noon.  I used to be ok with that and but not anymore.  When did I grow up?  Well half of me grew up.  My desire to wake early is there but I still have the sleep habits of a teenager. 

So what do I need to do? How in the bloomin’ world do people wake up earlier than 9 AM with a smile and a kick in their step?  One day it’s happening.  I’m determined.  But until then, I could use a little help.

19 Responses to “Secret Society of Early Risers”

  1. Jamie Maldonado Says:

    I was about 29 before I managed to sleep regularly before midnight, and to be able to wake up in the wee hours of the morning — instead of going to sleep as they began. It was a long struggle partially born of necessity. I LOVE being awake early. It’s like another world and another life. Things are just different. However, when I don’t have some driving reason to be awake then, it’s so hard for me to fall asleep before 1-3 a.m. On the upside, I’m clinging onto the single digits club, but only enough to still just be functional at 10 a.m., also.

    All I can say is it’s an extended act of pure will. Perhaps even to the levels of Will Smith. … Get it?

    But seriously, I’ve been trying to return to the club since may. My progress so far has me falling asleep at 2:30 – 3 a.m. nightly. Perhaps there needs to be a society of those who wish to belong to the Early Risers?

    Hmmm ….

  2. Tyler Says:

    You’re not going to like this, but if you eat less sugar it helps a lot. Also it helps to have a strong overarching purpose to motivate you. Maybe take on a project that requires more hours in the day than you are currently using. It gets super easy after the first week.

  3. Rand Says:

    This is the cutest and craziest post.

  4. ~ calista ~ Says:

    What if you gradually started setting your alarm back a few minutes so your body isn’t shocked by going from getting p at 10am to getting up at 8am? Try maybe a 5-10 minutes for a week and then another 5-10 minutes the next week and see how it works?

    I’ve always been a better morning person…once it hits 10pm I’m ready to go to bed :-} Good luck!

  5. ~ calista ~ Says:

    Ahh! I am – I didn’t realize it wasn’t linking. This should work now…I hope 🙂

  6. ~ calista ~ Says:

    I didn’t know it was broken!!!!! 😀

  7. Amanda Says:

    So from a person who constantly falls in and out of the 5:30 club and cannot make it to the 5 o’clock club to save my life….I agree with Calista. Also having a timed coffee pot helps. If that coffee is ready and sending out amazing smells to my senses in the morning – be assured that I will be getting up to get a cup.
    The trick I’ve found is once you get up…don’t go back to your room. Sit on the porch or in the living room…but going back to you room that bed is going to call your name and that pillow is going to sing so sweetly and you (well I) will give EVERY TIME!
    LOL – We can do this! We can be part of the club!

  8. Jamie (inspired mess) Says:

    Haha! They won’t let me in the club either. I just gave up. I’d rather stay up late anyway. So there, early risers! 😛
    Happy day to you!!! xoxo

  9. Richard Muske Says:

    Take it from these guys:

    Or try this dandy little gadget I saw in Sky Mall:

  10. bookjunkie Says:

    Sweet girl…. I love this post!! 🙂 …I’m an owl myself. I have been trying like forever to get into the perky early risers club but have failed miserably because I somehow function better at night although I secretly yearn to wake up to catch the sun rise. On days that I do make it I am so happy I could do a dance of joy! I get so much more done and there’s half the day left. But the next day I am zonked out and back to my topsy turvy weird natural owlish timezone….sob!

    As I write this…it’s 1.40am & I am wide awake reading your delightful blog! 🙂

  11. I’m a Night Owl Trying to Be The Early Bird That Catches the Worm (& Failing Miserably) « Tiny Island Says:

    […] Being a night owl is not all bad.  I get important stuff done, like reading the fabulous blogs on my blogroll and discovering new gems.  Your writing keeps me inspired and I love belonging to the WordPress society of crazy owls like me. There seems to be a club of people who will NOT let me in…no matter how hard I try.  I’ve done everything!  They just refuse to accept me and it’s starting to really annoy the heck out of me.  I never even thought I would want to be in this elite club until a few months ago.  Now I can’t stop thinking about how to make my grand entrance.  -The Club of Early Risers- What does a girl have to do to hang out with you people?  I’ve tried it all – go … Read More […]

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