Archive for July, 2010

Mr. & Mrs. D

July 31, 2010

Two of my closest friends got married to each other this weekend.  It was a blessing and also a blast to be in this wedding party.  My friends are so special…as in crazy.  *wink*  Take a look at this beautiful bride!! Ow oooow! Jessica looked gorgeous.  Click here to see more of Daniel’s photos from the wedding.

(Daniel Davis photography)

Plus, her sweet groom didn’t look too bad either.  Here are the newly married Mr. and Mrs. Jon Douglas!  I’m over the moon happy about these two being together forever.  They are perfect.

(Daniel Davis photography)

Speaking of perfect, nothing is better than an ice cream man joining our photo session during the hottest day of the summer.  I think the temperature peaked at 101 degrees.  No big deal.

The best part about this picture is knowing Jon (the groom) sprinted three blocks in a suit (and let’s not forget 101 degrees) after Jess heard the ice cream man song and simply stated, “Aw. I want ice cream.”  Next thing we knew, Jon was running full speed to make yet another wish come true for his lovely bride.  Mission accomplished.  This is one of the many reasons I know they’re going to make it.  I love you guys more than words can say. 

PS – I’ll be back later for my first cooking adventure!! To the grocery store I go!! Stay cool out there! Man, it’s hawt.

And They Lived Happily Ever After…

July 30, 2010

My dear friends Jon and Jessica are getting married today!! We will be super busy with wedding festivities all day long!  Thankfully, our bridesmaid dresses are adorable.  I adore these two love birds more than words can say.  I mean, I did introduce them to each other one year ago.  *wink*  Congratulations, kitty cats. 

(Daniel Davis photography)

Happy Birthday To You…Love, Me

July 29, 2010

(We Heart It)

It’s my 29th birthday today. Crazy, right? So as a gift to myself, I made a list of the the 29 bits of advice I’d go back in time and tell myself. One can dream, yes?

1) Please understand how awesome it is that you have two horses to trot around on during your childhood instead of a 4 wheeler.

2) Buy stock in apple, Starbucks, Chick Fil A, and google. Who cares that you don’t even know what these things are yet? Trust me. Keep on the look out and do it. It’s safe to keep your money in savings until this opportunity presents itself instead of liquidating your savings account on that Super Nintendo.

3) Your little sister is actually one of the coolest people you will ever know. Hang out with her.

4) When your mom offers to give you cooking lessons, TAKE THEM!!

5) Grades? Everybody is lying. They really don’t matter that much.

6) Don’t let the fact that you’re a horrible dancer make you self conscious….get out there and shake it, sister!! It’s more fun anyway.

7) Self confidence is way sexier than a perfect tan, fake nails, or those jeans from the Buckle that you just can’t live without.

8)Spend a lot of time getting to know Grandma Edith. She won’t be around much longer and you’ll wish you had. Speaking of grandmothers, take sewing lessons from Grandma Peveto like….now.

9) You’ll always be super awful at math and your life will be just fine. Pssst….you’ll pass college algebra the third time you take it. Hang in there.

10) On your 29th birthday, you’ll still be single. I know, I know, it’s against everything you had planned for yourself but it’s true. Oh yea, none of the boys up to this time were worth crying over. It’s ok to dwell in the sadness of a lost relationship for one week and one week only. Any other days and you’re just being silly. (No offense, but you gotta trust me on this.)

11) As much as you want it to happen, you will not marry Jonathan Taylor Thomas. *gasp*

12) Yes, you’re a little ‘different’ compared to those around you but one day you’ll realize how thankful you are for that.

13) Don’t listen to the meanies on the playground….reading is sexy. Keep it up, bookworm.

14) Those lavender glasses are awful and a bad idea. Yes, they happen to match the unicorn sweater you’re currently wearing but remember you’ll be stuck with those glasses for a few years. Yea…think about that.

15) That whole ‘only hang out with the popular crowd’ rule is a load of crap. All people are equal and there’s something amazing about every single person you come in contact with. I challenge you to find it, regardless of what lunch table they’re sitting at.

16) Don’t stop playing piano and violin just because you aren’t perfect at them. That’s no reason to quit. I would also pick up an acoustic guitar while you’re at it. You’ll stop playing any type of sport right after highschool but your love of music will continue to grow.

17) Be extra careful on those gym stairs when you’re headed to the very first highschool pep rally. I’m trying to help you avoid one of your most embarrassing moments. Walk slooooowly and remember: you have on a tiny skirt and slippery jellie sandles.

18) Journal often and actually keep them this time.

19) Love God because of who He is and not because that’s what you think you’re supposed to do. He loves you because He created you and this acceptance is not based on how good you are. Oh yea, don’t be self righteous about your ‘good morals’. It’s only because of grace that you even have them.

20) Hey, I still (to this day) think you’re pretty.

21) Stop speeding!! Yea, that’s not going to happen so let me warn you about those five tickets you’re going to get… out for school zones, neighborhoods, and those long trips on I20 when you’re driving home from college. Also, when an ambulance has it’s lights on that means to STOP COMPLETELY!! Don’t even think about racing him to that on ramp.

22) Keep those Jnco jeans! Mainly because your friends will ask you to prove you ever wore them.

23) Cultivate your creativity and don’t stifle it! Who cares what anybody has to say about it? I’m serious. It doesn’t matter in the least bit.

24) Don’t spend any extra time worrying about that job opportunity right out of school. You don’t get it because there was something better for your future. Dry those tears, little one. I promise it will be ok.

25) Your heart will be broken in college but don’t let the fear and bitterness from that situation stay on you. It’s far better to let go and look ahead when those things happen. Far, far better. Besides, trust me when I say you were much better off.

26) Learn the discipline of prayer early on. It’s a beautiful and powerful gift.

27) College really will be as amazing as you hoped it would be but…that starts once you get over being homesick and wishing you could still be with all of your friends from highschool. Oh, speaking of your friends? You’ll be surrounded with great ones. Let them know you love them often.

28) You have the coolest parents…seriously. Be eternally grateful they didn’t let you go on that senior trip to Cancun but instead took you to Hawaii. Yea, you lucked out in a major way.

29) You won’t grow up to be a waterfall, zoo keeper, teacher, vet, librarian, fashion design major, researcher of the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, or a race car driver (even though you will want to be all of those things)…you’ll grow up to be something better than all of those combined.

Bonus: Yes, you’re pretty swell but not above anybody in this world. Serve others often and never forget you were created for a purpose other than your own happiness. Happiest of birthday wishes. Here’s to another year and more pathways to explore.

(We Heart It)

Marshmallow, Shmarshmallow!!

July 28, 2010

If I ever need an immediate smile all I have to do is click on over to the Color Me Katie blog.  Unbelievable.  She’s so creative!!

See what I mean?

(Color Me Katie)

(Color Me Katie)

(Color Me Katie)

Edible paint marshmallow faces with trendy icing hairdo’s? Favorite!! Yea, this is happening.  Happy Wednesday!

This Could Be A Disaster…

July 27, 2010

(We Heart It)

I follow a lot of blogs…I’m talking A LOT of beautiful, inspiring, fun, creative, funky, awesome bloggity blogs all throughout internet land.  Because of this, I’ve stumbled upon some great food blogs.   You can find a list of some of my favorites in the blog roll.  Go on, take a peek.  (Hint: It’s to your right.)  As you may or may not know, I can’t cook very well at all.  Ok fine, I’m awful.  I keep telling myself I’ll get better at this and now is the time.

So…I’ve decided to find a potentially yummy recipe from a different cooking blog every week and attempt to recreate it in my tiny little apartment kitchen.  Ohemgee, I’m already getting nervous about this.  Don’t worry, I’m going to take plenty of pics and document it even if it’s a total disaster.  Muahaha.  I can’t really nail down one specific day of the week that this will occur because let’s face it, my schedule is iNsAnE!  But it will happen weekly (starting this week) and I shall blog every second of it. 

In honor of this new challenge for myself, I’ve compiled a list of swoon-worthy internet finds for the kitchen.

Cupcake maker…..found here

Pyrex polka dot bowl set
Pretty vintage pyrex….found here
Vintage Pyrex Primary Mixing Bowls Set of 3
and here
Vintage cutting board - mushrooms - toadstools - acrylic - hard clear plastic - plexi glass
Vintage Mushroom Cutting Board….found here
RETRO vintage PITCHER summmer FUN Anchor Hocking SUMMERTIME LEMONADE or ICED TEA or Tang pitcher carafe ORANGE juice kitchen serve entertain cheap collection
Vintage Pitcher….found here
Anthropologie Measuring Cups…found here
Anthropologie apron….found here
Rhino head….Juuuust kidding, guys!! I don’t personally want this little guy anywhere near my apartment but if you do…find it here
Alright, here goes nothing! Anybody know any good cooking blogs? Share the love, please.  I need all the help I can get.

My Weekend in Pictures!

July 26, 2010

Camera ready….like always!!

My sweet Jessica’s bachelorette party!! Loads and loads of sugar + lots of pretty little flirty things for Jessica (soon to be Douglas).

Pool time with my girls!

My parents and little sister came in town that afternoon so we could go out on the town for birthday festivities!! Mexican food and Pinkberry!! My friend Amy came along.  I opened my presents before we left and guess what the coolest parents ever got me??! A skydiving jump!!! I’m going with one of my close friends the last weekend in August.  I’ve been once before and I LOVED it.  How cool is my family? Seriously.

That night, I came home to find my dad destroying my old/broken television.  It was too huge to carry out of the house so they broke it down.  Disaster!!

My little prego sister helped.

And then promptly fell asleep.  Awww…..

More pool time!!

I was showered with some major love all weekend.  I also got my Happy Mail packages from the sweetest ladies ever!! If you aren’t familiar with Happy Mail, please check it out here.  It’s a fun way to  meet other bloggers and get beautiful packages in the mail.  Like this one from Lindsay.

Look at the cute things I got this weekend from my family and Happy Mail!!

My sweet blog/Happy Mail friend Jamie made this especially for me and I LOVE it!!  She also started the Happy Mail thing so check out her adorable blog and show her some love. 

To make the weekend even more perfect I got a free Starbucks treat on the way to church.  Mmmm…. Iced caramel macchiato! Delish!!

A lovely weekend indeed.  *smile*

::Aunt Laura – I Like The Sound Of That::

July 23, 2010

I have super amazing fantastical news!! My little sister and Ricky are having a baby!! Which means I’m going to be an aunt!! Eeeee!! My sis is my only sibling and this is their first child so I’m so beyond happy about it. I mean just look how cute this kid is going to be with parents like this:

I can only imagine how cute he/she will be.  I’m guessing something like this:

And you better believe I’m buying it presents all the time, starting with a panda costume:

Asian babies are my favorite.  She (I’m speaking it forth) will be adorable no matter what!! But for right now, the little blueberry looks like this.  Precious.

Congrats, Ricky and Erin Tang!!! Hooray!

::i wish::

July 22, 2010

I’m working from home today which means I’m on the couch and still in pajamas.  Trust me, it’s fantastic but I think it would be even better if I could work from here:

(We Heart It)

Or maybe here:

(We Heart It)

My cozy little apartment will do for now.  Especially because it’s filled with yummy comfort food and pretty music.  Back to work for me!! Happy Thursday!! (It is Thursday, right?)

Oh Hey Guys, I Survived…

July 21, 2010

(We Heart It)

The tooth fairy has come and gone and the surgery was a success.  I now have a pretty new front tooth!! Of course, I can’t eat anything crunchy for about 6 weeks….oh gosh, there go Baked Lays and Wheat Thins with hummus. 

My sweet mom arrived yesterday and filled my apartment with yummy goodies!! She just started cooking and now my fridge is full of homemade (and squishy) comfort food.  Yes indeed.  She also got me this:

The How To Boil Water cookbook came swiftly from Amazon.   I cannot cook to save myself and this book is fantastic.  It literally goes through every step from boiling an egg to preparing an entire meal.  If you struggle in the kitchen then this book is perfect for you.  It’s Laura Elizabeth Stephens approved. 

I headed to the oral surgeon early this morning and once they slipped me that magic blue pill I stopped remembering things, except when they told me they would be grafting cow bone into my jaw! WHAT?! Yes, I now have bovine bone in my upper jaw.  I do know that at one point during surgery I woke up and told everybody in the room that I had been dreaming about all of us on vacation together and then I invited them to come with me.  Who knows what else happened in my drugged state.  I looked back through Twitter and saw these pieces of perfection that I sent out into the internet world!! (Why didn’t anybody stop me?!)

-“I’m on a serious  buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz right now.  And I asked all the docters and nurses to go on vacation with me during surgery.”
-“I have the prettiest front tooth in all the land now.  Man that took a lot out of me to type.  Happppy!”
-“Room is spinning and I can’t drive my car but I can sure tweet!  Feel free to unflow during my sedative and pain killers rant.  Muahaha.
-“All it took was a little blue pill from the nurse and a jolly smile as they watched and waited.  Eyes clooooosing now.”

After a lovely drug induced nap, I woke up and my mom had gotten all of my meds.  Yea, there’s a lot.

She also bought me flowers. *smile* I ::love:: flowers so very much.  I can’t understand girls that hate them.  They make me so happy.

We then went to movies (Despicable Me, SO CUTE) and had a yummy dinner at La Madeline.  She kept watching to make sure I didn’t try and go for something crunchy.  Oh goodness.  It was a pleasant way to spend the afternoon, running around town with my mom. 

Ches (yep, that’s his real name) came by to hang out with us after dinner. He’s such a sweetheart! He even made me a mix tape:
Thanks for all of your kind words about the surgery.  I’m fit as a fiddle now.  xoxo!!

Think Happy Thoughts

July 20, 2010

(We Heart It)

Hello there! I’m trying to fill my mind with pretty pictures and happy thoughts because at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow I’ll be going under the knife.  Yep. It’s time for my oral surgery. Ew, ew, ew, EW!!!

Here’s the deal:
I need a brand new front tooth (thrilling) and the best way to go about this, in my dentist’s opinion, is to get a little dental implant.  How glorious!! I’ve already had one tooth implant plus a shiny gold one added to the back.  Might as well introduce another to the jacked up family that is my grill.  I’ll name her Fran.

The ugly part?  I hate being sedated.  I also hate medications of any kind and yea, I’ll be taking a few of them.  Prayers? Welcomed.  I’d also like to give the following warning::

If I tweet or blog anything tomorrow then know it
was under CrAzY sedatives so please ignore.

Now to think of pretty things like this:
(We Heart It)

I have so many things I want to blog about so I’ll be super busy after the surgery is final. No more of this skipping a couple of days business.  Say bye to my tooth.  This is the last time you’ll see him alive.

(Pike’s Market in Seattle)